The Future of AI in PM

Best ChatGPT Prompts for Product Managers to Maximize the Output Results

As a Product Manager, your role is a balancing act between product vision, customer needs, and stakeholder expectations. Today, AI tools like ChatGPT are transforming how product managers approach their responsibilities, from ideation to execution.

Below, we’ll explore the best ChatGPT prompts for product managers to enhance efficiency, streamline decision-making, and deliver impactful products.

Introduction: Navigating Complex Product Management Challenges

Product Managers constantly juggle various tasks — product development, market analysis, stakeholder management, and more. With ChatGPT, you can optimize processes, from curating product ideas to improving team performance. Let’s dive into the specific prompts product managers are using today to boost their work efficiency and align their teams.

1. Idea Curation & Product Development

As a product manager, coming up with innovative ideas is crucial, but sorting through endless possibilities can be overwhelming. ChatGPT can help you generate and evaluate product ideas based on customer needs and market trends.

Prompt 1:

Task: Generate a comprehensive list of innovative product ideas that align with the specific market trends and customer needs provided below.

Market Trends and Customer Needs:

  • [Insert detailed market trends]
  • [Insert specific customer needs]

Requirements for Each Product Idea:

  • Description: Provide a clear and concise description and justification of the product concept.
  • Alignment: Explain how the product addresses the mentioned market trends and fulfills customer needs.
  • Innovative Elements: Highlight what makes the product idea innovative or unique in the current market.
  • Value Proposition: Describe the benefits and value it offers to the target customers.
  • Feasibility: Briefly assess the practicality of developing and launching this product.


  • Focus on originality and relevance to the trends and needs listed.
  • Provide at least [specify number] product ideas.
  • Ensure ideas are realistic and actionable within the current technological and market constraints.”

Prompt 2:

Task: Evaluate the potential of the following product ideas:

  1. [Product Idea 1]
  2. [Product Idea 2]
  3. [Product Idea 3] (Add as many as needed)

For Each Product Idea, Provide:

  • Feasibility Analysis: Assess the technical and operational practicality of developing the product, including required resources and potential challenges.
  • Market Demand: Analyze the target market size, customer segments, and the level of demand or need for the product.
  • Competitive Landscape: Identify existing competitors or alternatives in the market, and evaluate how this product would stand out.
  • Potential Risks and Mitigations: Highlight any significant risks associated with the product idea and suggest possible mitigation strategies.
  • Overall Potential: Summarize the product’s prospects in terms of success likelihood and strategic fit.


  • Use data and examples where possible to support the analysis.
  • Be objective and consider both pros and cons.
  • Structure the response clearly, separating each product idea and its analysis.”

2. Market Analysis

Market analysis is a core part of product management. Whether you’re benchmarking competitors or identifying market gaps, ChatGPT can synthesize key insights from your data.

Prompt 1:

Task: Conduct a detailed competitive analysis of our main competitors in the [Insert Industry] industry.

For Each Competitor, Include:

  • Company Overview: Brief background information.
  • Strengths:
    • Key advantages in the market (e.g., technology, market share, brand reputation).
  • Weaknesses:
    • Areas where they lack or have vulnerabilities.
  • Unique Selling Propositions (USPs):
    • What differentiates them from other competitors.
  • Product/Service Portfolio:
    • Overview of their main products or services.
  • Market Positioning:
    • Target customer segments and geographic focus.
  • Recent Developments:
    • Notable news such as product launches, partnerships, or strategic shifts.


  • Use the most recent data available (up to [insert cutoff date if applicable]).
  • Cite sources or references where appropriate.
  • Highlight insights that are relevant to our strategic planning.”

Prompt 2:

Task: Propose innovative product features or improvements that will enable us to differentiate our product and exceed industry standards, considering the current market trends and competitive landscape.

For Each Suggested Feature or Improvement, Provide:

  • Description: A detailed explanation of the feature or improvement.
  • Justification: How it leverages current market trends and addresses customer needs.
  • Competitive Advantage: Explain how this will set us apart from competitors.
  • Implementation Considerations:
    • Feasibility in terms of technology and resources.
    • Estimated time to develop and deploy.
  • Impact Assessment:
    • Potential benefits to customers.
    • Expected influence on market position and sales.


  • Suggest at least [specify number] features or improvements.
  • Prioritize ideas that are innovative yet practical.
  • Ensure suggestions align with our company’s vision and capabilities.”

3. Product Vision, Roadmap, & Positioning

Defining your product’s vision and roadmap is foundational to its success. ChatGPT can help create and refine these critical documents, aligning them with company goals.

Prompt 1:

Define the product vision for [Insert product name] by addressing the following key areas:

Long-Term Impact: Detail how this product vision will drive product development, guide future innovation, and contribute to the company’s long-term success.

Alignment with Company Mission: Explain how the product vision aligns with our company’s overall mission, values, and long-term objectives.

Target Customer Segment: Clearly define the target customer segment, detailing their needs, preferences, and pain points. Explain how the product is tailored to meet these specific customer needs.

Value Proposition: Articulate the unique value that [Insert product name] will deliver to the target market. Highlight the key benefits and outcomes that differentiate this product from competitors.

Market Positioning: Describe how the product will be positioned in the market and how it supports our competitive strategy.

Prompt 2:

Create a high-level, 12-month product roadmap for [Insert product name], focusing on the following key elements:

  1. Key Milestones: Identify the major milestones that will drive product development, including feature releases, technical enhancements, and critical decision points.
  2. Deliverables: Outline the specific deliverables for each milestone, including product features, updates, and integrations. Ensure each deliverable is clearly linked to the overall product vision and business goals.
  3. Timelines: Provide estimated timeframes for each milestone and deliverable, ensuring realistic timelines based on development capacity and resource availability.
  4. Dependencies: Highlight any dependencies (e.g., team, resources, technology) that could impact the successful completion of milestones.
  5. Risks and Contingencies: Include potential risks that could affect the roadmap and suggest contingency plans to mitigate those risks.
  6. Strategic Alignment: Ensure that the roadmap aligns with the product vision, target market needs, and overall company objectives.

The roadmap should be clear, actionable, and easy to communicate to stakeholders.”

4. Product Line Strategy & Production Scheduling

Balancing product lines and scheduling production requires strategic foresight. ChatGPT assists in developing strategies to prioritize resources and manage production timelines efficiently.

Prompt 1:
“Assist me in developing a product-line-level strategy for our [Insert product line] by recommending a robust prioritization framework for both product development and resource allocation. The framework should address the following key areas:

  1. Business Objectives Alignment: Ensure that the prioritization framework aligns with our overall business objectives, including revenue growth, market expansion, and customer satisfaction.
  2. Customer Needs: Suggest how to prioritize product features and initiatives based on the most pressing customer needs, pain points, and feedback.
  3. Market Opportunities: Incorporate an evaluation of market trends, competitive positioning, and emerging opportunities when deciding which products or features to prioritize.
  4. Resource Allocation: Provide guidelines for allocating resources (e.g., budget, personnel, technology) efficiently, balancing the needs of different product initiatives and avoiding bottlenecks.
  5. ROI and Impact: Include metrics or criteria for assessing the potential ROI, strategic impact, and long-term value of each product development initiative.
  6. Risk Management: Highlight how to factor in risks (e.g., technical complexity, market changes) when prioritizing and allocating resources.
  7. Flexibility: Ensure the framework allows for adaptability, enabling adjustments based on new information or shifts in market conditions.

The goal is to create a comprehensive strategy that optimally balances product development priorities and resources to achieve maximum impact.”

Prompt 2:
“Provide detailed recommendations for adjusting our production schedule for [Insert product line] to account for changes in demand and resource availability. In your recommendations, please address the following key factors:

  1. Demand Fluctuations: Suggest strategies for scaling production up or down based on changes in customer demand, ensuring that we meet market needs without overproducing or under-delivering.
  2. Resource Availability: Outline adjustments to the production schedule that factor in current constraints on resources, including personnel, raw materials, or technology. Propose ways to optimize efficiency given these limitations.
  3. Capacity Planning: Recommend approaches to manage production capacity more effectively, including how to adjust lead times, buffer stock, or use alternative suppliers to mitigate any supply chain disruptions.
  4. Prioritization of Product Lines: Advise on how to prioritize different products or variants within the product line, based on profitability, customer demand, and resource allocation.
  5. Risk Management: Identify potential risks associated with changing the production schedule (e.g., operational delays, supply chain disruptions) and suggest ways to mitigate these risks.
  6. Flexibility and Agility: Provide recommendations for building more flexibility into the production process, allowing for quick adjustments as new information on demand or resources becomes available.

Ensure the recommendations are practical, strategic, and focused on maintaining operational efficiency while responding to shifting business conditions.”

5. Product Vision Communication

Communicating product vision clearly to your sales and marketing teams is essential for gaining market share. Here’s how ChatGPT can help craft compelling narratives.

Prompt 1:
Draft a compelling product vision statement for [Insert product name] that is clear, concise, and easily communicated to our sales and marketing teams. The vision statement should address the following key areas:

  1. Purpose and Value: Clearly articulate the product’s purpose and the value it brings to the target audience. Explain how it solves key customer pain points or fulfills unmet needs.
  2. Market Positioning: Highlight how the product differentiates itself in the market and what makes it unique compared to competitors.
  3. Future Impact: Convey the long-term strategic vision for the product, focusing on its potential to evolve, scale, and impact the business and the market.
  4. Alignment with Company Mission: Ensure the product vision is aligned with the company’s overall mission and long-term business objectives.
  5. Actionable Messaging: Structure the statement in a way that is easily understandable and actionable for the sales and marketing teams, allowing them to effectively communicate the product’s value to customers.

Ensure the vision is inspiring, easy to remember, and provides clear direction for how the product will achieve success.”

Prompt 2:
Create a comprehensive list of key product benefits and differentiators for [Insert product name] that our sales and marketing teams can use to effectively promote the product in the market. Please address the following key areas:

  1. Core Benefits: Outline the primary benefits of the product, focusing on how it solves customer pain points, meets specific needs, or improves the user experience.
  2. Unique Differentiators: Highlight what sets [Insert product name] apart from competitors. Focus on unique features, capabilities, or innovations that make the product stand out in the market.
  3. Value Proposition: Clearly articulate the overall value that the product delivers to the customer, both in terms of tangible outcomes (e.g., cost savings, efficiency) and intangible benefits (e.g., ease of use, brand loyalty).
  4. Target Audience Alignment: Suggest how specific benefits and differentiators align with the needs and priorities of different customer segments or personas.
  5. Market Positioning: Explain how these benefits and differentiators support the product’s market positioning strategy, helping to attract and retain customers in a competitive landscape.
  6. Actionable Messaging: Ensure the list is structured in a way that allows the sales and marketing teams to easily incorporate it into their promotional efforts.

Provide concise, actionable insights that can be directly applied to sales pitches, marketing materials, and customer conversations.”

6. Product Requirements & Feature Development Coordination

Writing clear product requirements and coordinating feature development are key to ensuring successful product launches.

Prompt 1:
Help me write detailed and clear product requirements for the development of [Insert product feature or enhancement]. The requirements should cover the following key areas:

Milestones and Timelines: Suggest key milestones and timeframes for the development process, ensuring the requirements align with project schedules and resource availability.

Feature Overview: Provide a high-level description of the feature or enhancement, explaining its purpose and how it fits into the overall product strategy.

User Stories: Include specific user stories that capture how different types of users will interact with the feature. Ensure the stories focus on the value and outcomes for the end users.

Functional Requirements: Detail the specific functionalities and behaviors that the feature must include. Clearly outline what the feature should do, with a focus on accuracy and completeness.

Non-Functional Requirements: Specify any non-functional aspects such as performance benchmarks, security standards, scalability, and usability considerations that need to be met.

Acceptance Criteria: Define the measurable acceptance criteria that will be used to verify if the feature is complete and working as intended. Include specific tests or conditions that must be satisfied.

Dependencies and Constraints: Identify any dependencies, technical constraints, or external factors (e.g., third-party integrations) that need to be considered during development.

Prompt 2:
“Provide a comprehensive list of potential technical constraints and dependencies that the engineering team should consider when working on [Insert product feature or enhancement]. Please include the following key areas:

  1. Infrastructure Constraints: Highlight any limitations related to the current system architecture, server capacity, or network infrastructure that could impact the feature’s development or performance.
  2. Technology Stack Compatibility: Identify any dependencies related to the compatibility of the feature with the existing technology stack, including programming languages, frameworks, or third-party tools.
  3. Integration Requirements: Specify any dependencies or challenges with integrating the feature into existing systems, APIs, or third-party services.
  4. Scalability Considerations: Discuss any constraints or dependencies related to ensuring the feature can scale efficiently to accommodate future growth in users, data, or traffic.
  5. Security and Compliance: List any potential security risks, compliance requirements, or regulatory standards that need to be addressed during the development of the feature.
  6. Performance Limitations: Outline any performance-related constraints, such as response time, processing power, or bandwidth, that could affect the feature’s functionality.
  7. External Dependencies: Mention any external dependencies, such as vendor services, third-party libraries, or data sources, that may influence the development process.
  8. Team and Resource Constraints: Include any considerations related to the availability of engineering resources, team expertise, or time constraints that could impact the feature’s delivery.

Ensure the list is detailed and structured to help the engineering team anticipate and address potential challenges during development.”

7. Customer & Stakeholder Needs Balancing

Balancing customer needs with stakeholder limitations can be challenging. ChatGPT can help you develop frameworks to ensure all sides are considered.

Prompt 1:
“Analyze the trade-offs between customer needs and stakeholder limitations for the following product features: [Insert product features]. In your analysis, address the following key aspects:

  1. Customer Needs: Clearly identify the specific needs or pain points the feature addresses for customers, highlighting the potential benefits and value the feature provides.
  2. Stakeholder Limitations: Outline the constraints or limitations faced by stakeholders (e.g., budget, time, resources, technical feasibility, regulatory considerations) that might impact the development or implementation of the feature.
  3. Impact of Trade-offs: Evaluate the consequences of prioritizing certain customer needs over stakeholder limitations, and vice versa. Discuss potential outcomes such as reduced functionality, delayed timelines, or increased costs.
  4. Feasibility and Viability: Analyze the feasibility of implementing the feature within the given limitations, while still addressing the most critical customer needs.
  5. Compromise Solutions: Suggest potential compromises or alternative solutions that could balance customer expectations with stakeholder constraints, ensuring the feature delivers value without overextending resources.
  6. Long-Term Considerations: Discuss how these trade-offs could affect the product’s long-term strategy, including future updates, scalability, and market competitiveness.

Ensure the analysis is detailed and provides actionable insights to guide decision-making in balancing customer needs with stakeholder realities.”

Prompt 2:
“Suggest a comprehensive prioritization framework for [Insert product name] that effectively balances customer needs with stakeholder limitations. The framework should address the following key areas:

  1. Customer-Centric Prioritization: Propose methods for identifying and prioritizing the most critical customer needs and pain points, ensuring that the features and improvements with the highest customer impact are given priority.
  2. Stakeholder Constraints: Incorporate an evaluation of stakeholder limitations, including budget, time, technical feasibility, and resource availability, to ensure that the framework aligns with organizational capabilities.
  3. Impact vs. Effort Analysis: Recommend a scoring or ranking system that evaluates features based on their potential impact on customer satisfaction and business goals, balanced against the effort or resources required to implement them.
  4. Value-Driven Decision Making: Suggest how to prioritize features that offer the greatest value to both customers and the business, even under constraints, while considering long-term product strategy.
  5. Adaptability and Flexibility: Ensure the framework is flexible enough to accommodate changing market conditions, new customer insights, or evolving stakeholder priorities.
  6. Clear Criteria for Prioritization: Provide clear, actionable criteria for determining how to balance trade-offs between competing customer needs and stakeholder limitations in the decision-making process.

The goal is to create a framework that helps guide product development decisions, balancing customer demands with practical stakeholder considerations.”

8. Product & Team Board Representation

When advocating for your product and team to the board, you need persuasive communication. ChatGPT can help craft presentations that align with company goals and showcase team successes.

Prompt 1:
“Draft a persuasive presentation for the board that highlights the value of [Insert product name] and the accomplishments of the team. The presentation should cover the following key areas:

  1. Product Overview: Provide a brief but compelling overview of the product, including its purpose, target audience, and how it aligns with the company’s strategic goals.
  2. Value Proposition: Clearly articulate the unique value [Insert product name] delivers to customers and the market. Highlight its key differentiators, impact on revenue, customer satisfaction, or market positioning.
  3. Team Accomplishments: Showcase the significant achievements of the team throughout the development and launch process. Include milestones, key features delivered, and any challenges the team successfully overcame.
  4. Quantifiable Success Metrics: Present quantifiable metrics that demonstrate the product’s success (e.g., sales growth, user adoption, ROI, customer feedback). Use data to back up claims and build a strong case.
  5. Strategic Impact: Explain how the product contributes to the company’s long-term objectives, including growth potential, competitive advantage, and market expansion opportunities.
  6. Future Vision: Outline the product’s roadmap and potential for future development, highlighting upcoming opportunities for continued innovation and impact.
  7. Call to Action: End with a strong call to action for the board, whether it’s seeking additional resources, approval for the next phase, or continued support for the team and product.

Ensure the presentation is engaging, data-driven, and tailored to the board’s interests, focusing on strategic value and clear business outcomes.”

Prompt 2:
“Help me create a compelling narrative that clearly demonstrates the impact of [Insert product name] on the company’s strategic goals and financial performance. The narrative should address the following key elements:

  1. Product Overview: Begin with a brief introduction to the product, highlighting its purpose, target market, and alignment with the company’s overall mission and vision.
  2. Strategic Alignment: Explain how the product supports and drives the company’s strategic goals, such as market expansion, competitive differentiation, innovation, or customer retention.
  3. Financial Impact: Provide specific examples of how the product has contributed to the company’s financial performance. Include metrics such as revenue growth, cost savings, ROI, or profitability improvements directly linked to the product’s success.
  4. Key Milestones and Successes: Highlight significant milestones or achievements that demonstrate the product’s success in the market, such as customer acquisition, increased user engagement, or notable partnerships.
  5. Long-Term Business Value: Discuss the long-term potential of the product, including how it positions the company for future growth, competitive advantage, and sustainable financial performance.
  6. Supporting Data: Integrate relevant data points, customer testimonials, and performance metrics to reinforce the product’s impact on strategic and financial objectives.
  7. Call to Action: Conclude with a call to action for continued support, additional resources, or strategic decisions that will further enhance the product’s contribution to the company’s goals.

The narrative should be clear, persuasive, and data-driven, engaging stakeholders by illustrating the product’s direct contributions to both short-term success and long-term strategic value.”

9. Product Testing & Issue Resolution Management

Managing product testing and issue resolution is a vital part of a Product Manager’s role.

Prompt 1:
“Provide a detailed list of potential test scenarios and corresponding test cases for [Insert product feature or enhancement] to ensure its quality and performance. The list should address the following key areas:

  1. Functional Test Scenarios: Identify scenarios that validate the feature’s core functionality. Each scenario should focus on specific user interactions, workflows, or use cases to confirm the feature performs as intended.
  2. Performance Test Scenarios: Suggest test cases that assess the feature’s performance under various conditions, such as load testing, response times, and stress testing to ensure it meets performance benchmarks.
  3. Edge Cases and Boundary Conditions: Include scenarios that test edge cases and boundary conditions, ensuring the feature handles unusual or extreme inputs without failing.
  4. Usability Test Scenarios: Propose test cases that evaluate the feature’s usability, including ease of use, user experience, and accessibility for different user types.
  5. Compatibility Test Scenarios: Provide scenarios to test the feature across multiple devices, browsers, and platforms to ensure consistent functionality and performance.
  6. Security Test Scenarios: Include scenarios that assess the feature’s security, such as vulnerability testing, data integrity, and user authentication where applicable.
  7. Integration Test Scenarios: Suggest test cases to validate how the feature integrates with other components, systems, or third-party services, ensuring seamless functionality across integrations.
  8. Regression Test Scenarios: Provide test cases that verify the feature doesn’t introduce new issues or regressions in existing functionality.

Ensure the test scenarios and cases are comprehensive, covering all aspects of quality and performance to deliver a robust, high-functioning feature.”

Prompt 2:
“Suggest a structured process for efficiently tracking, prioritizing, and resolving issues identified during the testing phase. The process should address the following key components:

  1. Issue Tracking: Recommend an approach to systematically document and track all identified issues. Include tools or platforms that can be used for efficient issue management, such as bug tracking systems, and explain how to ensure consistent reporting across teams.
  2. Issue Categorization: Propose a method for categorizing issues by severity, type (e.g., functional, performance, security), and impact on the product. This categorization should help in understanding the urgency and importance of each issue.
  3. Prioritization Framework: Suggest a clear framework for prioritizing issues based on their severity, impact on end users, and overall business goals. Define criteria for determining high, medium, and low priority issues and how to align prioritization with the product’s release schedule.
  4. Assignment and Ownership: Outline how to assign ownership of issues to specific team members or departments. Include best practices for ensuring accountability and follow-through until issues are resolved.
  5. Resolution Process: Define steps for resolving issues, from identification to verification. Describe how to ensure collaboration between QA, development, and product management teams for efficient and timely resolutions.
  6. Verification and Testing of Fixes: Propose a process for re-testing and verifying that resolved issues are fully fixed and do not introduce new bugs or regressions. Include guidelines for regression testing where necessary.
  7. Reporting and Communication: Recommend ways to keep stakeholders informed of the progress, such as through regular reports, dashboards, or meetings. Highlight the importance of clear communication between development, QA, and management teams during the resolution process.
  8. Continuous Improvement: Suggest methods for analyzing the issue tracking process over time to identify bottlenecks, optimize workflows, and improve the efficiency of future testing phases.

Ensure the process is practical, scalable, and adaptable for use in various testing environments.”

10. Customer Feedback & Product Improvement

Customer feedback is gold for improving your product. ChatGPT can help you organize and analyze this feedback efficiently.

Prompt 1:
“Design a detailed customer feedback survey that captures valuable insights on the usability, performance, and overall value of [Insert product name]. The survey should be structured to cover the following key areas:

  1. Usability: Include questions that assess the product’s ease of use, intuitiveness, and user experience. Focus on specific elements such as navigation, design, and overall satisfaction with how easily customers can achieve their goals.
    • Example: How easy is it to navigate through [Insert product name]? (Rate on a scale from 1-5)
  2. Performance: Incorporate questions to measure the product’s technical performance, including speed, reliability, and stability under different conditions.
    • Example: How would you rate the speed and responsiveness of [Insert product name]? (Rate on a scale from 1-5)
  3. Value: Ask customers to provide feedback on the perceived value of the product, focusing on whether it meets their needs and delivers the expected benefits relative to its price or competitors.
    • Example: Do you feel [Insert product name] provides good value for its price? (Yes/No)
  4. Feature-Specific Feedback: Include targeted questions about specific features or functionalities of the product to understand which aspects are most valuable and where improvements are needed.
    • Example: Which feature of [Insert product name] do you find most useful, and why?
  5. Open-Ended Feedback: Provide space for customers to share any additional feedback, suggestions, or pain points they have encountered while using the product.
    • Example: Please share any additional comments or suggestions on how we can improve [Insert product name].
  6. Customer Satisfaction: Include overall satisfaction questions, such as Net Promoter Score (NPS) or Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) ratings, to gauge customer loyalty and likelihood to recommend the product.
    • Example: How likely are you to recommend [Insert product name] to a colleague or friend? (Rate on a scale from 1-10)

Ensure the survey is concise, easy to complete, and provides actionable insights by using a mix of rating scales, multiple-choice questions, and open-ended responses.”

Prompt 2:
“Analyze the following customer feedback data: [Insert customer feedback data], and provide detailed insights by addressing the following key areas:

  1. Key Areas for Improvement:
    • Identify recurring themes or patterns in the feedback that highlight common issues or pain points customers are experiencing.
    • Prioritize these areas based on frequency and impact on the customer experience. Provide specific examples of how these areas are negatively affecting customer satisfaction or usability.
    • Suggest actionable steps for addressing these issues, focusing on practical and feasible improvements.
  2. Potential New Features:
    • Highlight any customer suggestions or emerging needs mentioned in the feedback that indicate opportunities for new product features.
    • Prioritize potential new features based on customer demand, potential impact on user experience, and alignment with the product’s strategic direction.
    • For each potential new feature, explain how it could enhance the product, solve customer pain points, or differentiate it from competitors.
  3. Sentiment Analysis:
    • Provide a general overview of the customer sentiment reflected in the feedback (e.g., positive, negative, neutral). Use this to guide the urgency or focus of the proposed improvements and new features.
  4. Trends and Patterns:
    • Look for any trends related to specific customer segments, such as feedback from particular demographics, user personas, or regions that may require targeted improvements or feature development.
  5. Prioritization and Impact:
    • Based on the identified areas for improvement and potential new features, suggest a prioritization framework that balances quick wins with longer-term strategic enhancements. Focus on the features or improvements that are likely to have the most significant impact on customer satisfaction, retention, and business goals.

Ensure the analysis is thorough, actionable, and provides clear recommendations to improve the product based on customer feedback.”

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Akram Bary

With over a decade of experience in the tech industry, Akram Bary is a seasoned Product Management leader with a proven track record of driving innovation and growth. As a Senior Product Manager, Akram has successfully launched and scaled software products across diverse industries, focusing on both desktop and mobile… More »

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